The Heart Chakra, known as Anahata in Sanskrit, is the fourth of the seven primary chakras in the human body. Buddhism and Hinduism have more than seven chakras and a more profound correlation to specific deities. Though other cultures have understood energetic systems, the spiritual traditions of India have transcended many modern spiritual communities to connect people to a basic understanding of the connections of our mind, body, and spirit. This energetic point is the vessel of our love and compassion and is the key to connection, harmony, and the flow of life’s deepest emotions.
Unlocking the Chakra Cheat Code
Symbol: Lotus with twelve petals
Color: Green
Element: Air
Physical Location: Middle of the chest
Associated Body Parts: Heart, Lungs, Circulatory System, Chest, and Upper Back.

Unending Support
The heart chakra governs the thymus gland and influences our capacity for love, empathy, and inner peace. This fourth energetic point is intimately connected with our relationships—compassion, forgiveness, and the flow of unconditional love. Chakra, in Sanskrit, means disc, circle, or wheel, so if you envision the heart chakra as a green ball dropping like an anvil (underactive) or piercing the air unmercifully (overactive), you can see how each of these conditions can lead to various imbalances.
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Overactive Heart Chakra
When the green ball swings wildly like a wrecking ball, it can feel overwhelming and uncontrollable, leading to excessive dependence, jealousy, or a tendency to give too much without boundaries. The emotional intensity can create a sense of being consumed by others’ needs or losing balance in your relationships, resulting in a deep longing for love and connection that may lead to emotional exhaustion or unhealthy attachments.
Underactive Heart Chakra
When the green ball weighs like a ton of bricks, your emotional life and connections with others can feel dull. This may result in difficulty expressing love, feeling emotionally closed off, and experiencing a sense of isolation. An underactive heart chakra can lead to a lack of empathy, difficulty forming meaningful relationships, and a sense of disconnection from self and others, making it hard to find joy and warmth in life.

Balancing the Heart Chakra
When the conditions are just right, and you have a more balanced heart chakra, you can cultivate a sense of emotional balance and compassion, allowing you to experience love and connection with joy and depth. In addition to feeling open to giving and receiving love, you can do simple things to nurture this energy of compassion and empathy, allowing a fluid relationship between the lower and higher chakras to thrive:
Get Physical
Yoga poses such as Camel Pose (Ustrasana), Bridge Pose (Setu Bandhasana), and Cobra Pose (Bhujangasana) to open the chest and heart space.
Exercises that engage the upper body and promote deep breathing, like swimming, power walking in nature, or yawning.
Engage in activities that inspire connection and kindness, such as journaling your gratitude, volunteering, or cooking for loved ones.
Engage the Senses
Look at insects flying around and visualize how they balance moving in flow and maintain control of their destination.
Smell soothing, heart-opening scents like rose, lavender, eucalyptus, and geranium.
Eat nourishing, heart-healthy foods like leafy greens, avocados, and green tea.
Lie under a tree on a breezy day or sit in front of your fan or open window.
Listen to the sounds of birds, romantic music, or a guided meditation.
Synergizing to Balance and Bliss
Think of the heart chakra center of the teetertotter, rising and falling seamlessly. A new sensation of shifting easily flows through you, moving from the lower chakras to the higher chakras, learning the distinction and the union of surviving and thriving. When you balance this chakra, you open yourself to the embodiment of divine love. Embrace the process, understanding that achieving balance is an ongoing whirlwind, and you will need to return to these practices often to navigate the difficult times.
Share Your Thoughts
What sense do you like to engage to help you balance your heart chakra? We'd love to hear about your experiences and insights! Leave a comment below, and let's support each other as we grow. There is boundless potential ahead, and sharing it can inspire and help others on their path.
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