For centuries, people have observed their bodies through a physical and spiritual lens, noting how energy feels at various portals in the body. The language, imagery, and foundations we use to describe these energetic points are rooted in Hinduism and Buddhism. Still, these concepts can be found across many esoteric practices in many cultures that, through modernization, we've disconnected from. There are 7 primary chakras:
Root Chakra (Muladhara): Base of spine
Sacral Chakra (Svadhisthana): Lower abdomen
Solar Plexus Chakra (Manipura): Upper abdomen
Heart Chakra (Anahata): Center of the chest
Throat Chakra (Vishuddha): Throat
Third Eye Chakra (Ajna): Forehead, between the eyes
Crown Chakra (Sahasrara): Top of the head

If you're just beginning your spiritual journey, discovering the seven chakras is an excellent place to start. These energy centers help balance your physical, emotional, and spiritual body. Think of the chakras as distinct gateways to growth; you don’t need to try to master them all at once. Start by learning the basics and focus on one chakra at a time. Your intuition and energy flow will naturally deepen as you tune into each one.
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Governs: Survival
Seed Sound: LAM (pronounced lum)
You Feel: Grounded and Safe
Affirmation: I am fully grounded and supported by the universe.
Journal Prompts: Where in my life do I feel most secure? Where do I feel unstable?
What are my deepest fears, and how can I work through them?

Governs: Desire
Seed Sound: VAM (pronounced vum)
You Feel: Creative and Energetic
Affirmation: I feel pleasure rushing throughout my body and flowing out into the universe.
Journal Prompts: What brings me the most joy and pleasure right now? How do I experience intimacy and connection with others? Where do I feel stifled or restricted, and how can I allow more freedom?

Governs: Personal Power
Seed Sound: RAM (pronounced rum)
You Feel: Confident and Determined
Affirmation: I do remarkable things that align with the universe's path for me.
Journal Prompts: How do I honor my sense of self-worth and boundaries? What personal goals do I want to achieve, and what’s holding me back? How do I handle situations where I feel powerless or out of control?

Governs: Emotional Balance
Seed Sound: YAM (pronounced yum)
You Feel: Loved and Serene
Affirmation: I love myself because the universe has gifted me to earth.
Journal Prompts: What past emotional wounds am I ready to heal? How do I express love to myself and others? In what ways can I open my heart to more compassion and forgiveness?

Governs: Communication
Seed Sound: HAM (pronounced hum)
You Feel: Expressive and Receptive
Affirmation: I speak my truth because the universe will always hear me.
Journal Prompts: When have I felt unheard or misunderstood, and how did I respond? How comfortable can I express my truth, and where do I hold back? How do I communicate with myself—through inner dialogue—and is it supportive?

Governs: Spiritual Awareness
Seed Sound: OM (pronounced aum)
You Feel: Intuitive and Insightful
Affirmation: I see the vision the universe has in store for me.
Journal Prompts: How can I strengthen my imagination and creative vision? How do I connect with and trust my intuition? What inner wisdom am I ignoring, and how can I tune into it more?

Governs: Higher Consciousness
Seed Sound: SILENCE
You Feel: Enlightened and Unbothered
Affirmation: I understand my connection to the universe.
Journal Prompts: What does spirituality mean to me, and how do I experience it? How can I open myself up to deeper spiritual insights and guidance? What limiting beliefs about myself or the world am I ready to release?
Additional Tips to Energy Magick
1. Regular Practice: Consistency is key, so do what you can as frequently as possible. You probably are reading this because you aren’t quite sure how to integrate these energy vortexes into your magickal practice, and though you may be excited, you don’t want to burn out. Focus on one or two chakras and establish a regular, whether it’s daily or monthly, habit. Adapt these practices to fit your lifestyle.
2. Seek Community: Connect with like-minded individuals through spiritual groups, workshops, or online communities. Sharing your journey with others can provide support and inspiration. Seek guidance from spiritual advisors or mentors, especially if you feel stuck or stagnant.
3. Stay Open: Be open to new experiences and insights. Your spiritual journey is unique and may evolve in unexpected ways.
Energy magick shouldn’t be inaccessible. Identifying what you feel when each chakra is balanced can help you incorporate practical changes to help you align with your mind, body, and spirit.
Share Your Journey with Us
What chakra do you feel is currently balanced? What chakra needs more attention, and what will change when it becomes balanced? We'd love to hear about your experiences and insights! Leave a comment below, and let's support each other as we grow. There is boundless potential ahead, and sharing it can inspire and help others on their path.
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